Lead Faculty: Dr. Mitch Javidi will serve as your lead faculty although several other faculty members will be supporting him for this course.
Course Overview: Improve the leadership skills of law enforcement and military personnel to enhance their performance to deliver results with confidence.
Course Objectives: Upon the completion of this course you should:
- develop functional knowledge of personal leadership style and strengths;
- understand the foundation and principles of leadership;
- understand personal potential to enhance leadership capacity;
- develop a functional knowledge of how to lead organizational change;
- understand the value of teamwork;
- assess and improve leadership climate and agency culture;
- learn practical critical thinking and value decision making.
Course Textbooks:
- Abrashoff, D. Michael (2008). It’s Our Ship: The No-Nonsense Guide to Leadership. New York: Warner Books.
- Abrashoff, Michael (2002). It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy. New York: Warner Books.
- Anderson, T., et. al. (2012). Every Officer is a Leader: Coaching Leadership, Learning and Performance in Justice, Public Safety, and Security Organizations. New York: Troford. Available on Online.
- Normore, A., Javidi, M., Normand. N., Anderson, T., Scott, W., & Hoina, C. (2014). Moral Compass for Law Enforcement Professionals. Raleigh: International Academy of Public Safety. Available on Online.
- Phillips, D. T. (1998). The Founding Fathers on Leadership: Classic Teamwork in Changing Times. New York: Warner Books.
- Phillips, D. T. (1992). Lincoln on Leadership: Executive Strategies for Tough Times. New York: Warner Books.
- Sinek, S. (2011). Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. New York: Penguin Group.
- A working email account which is active.
- Reliable and regular access to a computer at least the size of a notebook.
- A quiet place to work at a computer.
- Reliable internet access for several hours per week for the duration of this course.
Course Schedule: The course contains a total of 4 phases for a total of 46 lessons. Each lesson contains one lecture with overview and learning objectives, one discussion board and one quiz. The Learning Management System will require you to complete each lesson in a chronological order.
You will complete each phase of the program as assigned to you by your agency. Each phase will include its own certificate of completion.
- Phase 1 – Foundations and Principles
- Lesson # 1.1: Leadership Principles
- Lesson # 1.2: Lincoln on Leadership
- Lesson # 1.3: First-Line & Mid-Level Supervision
- Lesson # 1.4: Leadership and Ethics
- Lesson # 1.5: Leadership and Change
- Lesson # 1.6: Personal Leadership
- Lesson # 1.7: It’s Your Ship
- Lesson # 1.8: Leadership and Power
- Lesson # 1.9: Leadership Theories and DiSC Style
- Lesson # 1.10: Moral Compass
- Lesson # 1.11: Active Listening
- Lesson # 1.12: Effective Communication
- Lesson # 1.13: Military Leadership
- Phase 2 – Theories and Practices
- Lesson # 2.1: Generations
- Lesson # 2.2: It’s Our Ship
- Lesson # 2.3: Practical Emotional Intelligence
- Lesson # 2.4: Good to Great
- Lesson # 2.5: Proactive Communication
- Lesson # 2.6: Conflict Management
- Lesson # 2.7: Cultural Diversity
- Lesson # 2.8: Action Leadership
- Lesson # 2.9: Reflective Leadership
- Lesson # 2.10: Start with the Why
- Lesson # 2.11: Legacy Leadership
- Lesson # 2.12: Succession Planning
- Lesson # 2.13: Human Capital Management
- Phase 3 – Application and Advancement
- Lesson # 3.1: Human Factors & Leadership
- Lesson # 3.2: Founding Fathers on Leadership
- Lesson # 3.3: Adaptive Leadership
- Lesson # 3.4: Servant Leadership
- Lesson # 3.5: Credible Leadership
- Lesson # 3.6: Effective Leadership
- Lesson # 3.7: Toxic Leadership
- Lesson # 3.8: Community Leadership
- Lesson # 3.9: Leadership & Customer Service
- Lesson # 3.10: Cyrus on Leadership
- Lesson # 3.11: Adaptive Decision Making
- Lesson # 3.12: Deliberate Counter VUCA Tactic
- Lesson # 3.13: Tactical Leadership
- Lesson # 3.14: Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ
- Lesson # 3.15: Deep Change and Positive Emotional Intelligence
- Phase 4 – Competency and Mastery
- Lesson # 4.1: Self-Management Skills
- Lesson # 4.2: Interpersonal Communication / Conflict Management and Problem Skills
- Lesson # 4.3: Management and Opportunity Leveraging Skills
- Lesson # 4.4: Team and Organization Development Skills
- Lesson # 4.5: Versatility Skills
Assignments and Grading: Passing Course Grade = 70%
Your grade for each phase will calculate automatically. All you need to do is:
- Complete the on-line lectures. Your participation is tracked by SCORM Tin-Can servers and you will not be able to make progress unless you record time required for each lecture.
- Participate in discussions boards (1 per lesson).
- Complete quizzes with a passing grade of 70% (1 per lesson) – graded.
If you have completed all 4 phases of the course and wish to receive 6 hours of upper-division undergraduate college transfer credit, contact the lead instructor above at the National Command & Staff College to register and completed the additional requirements.
Academic Integrity Statement: A violation of academic integrity is any instance when a student attempts to pass off someone else’s words or ideas as their own, no matter where s/he obtained those words or ideas, and no matter where these ideas are presented. We practice using quotation and citation in this course so you can benefit from others’ ideas, while attributing them appropriately. There is nothing wrong with representing someone else’s ideas in your work; you just have to give them credit. Additionally, there is nothing wrong with getting help on an assignment, but the final product must be predominantly the result of your own work. All academic integrity violations in the course will result in an F on the assignment, and/or, a failing grade in the course, and/or referral to the college’s Academic Integrity officer. Our college gives four definitions of types of academic integrity violation:
- Cheating is the unauthorized use or attempted use of material, information, notes, study aids, devices or communication during an academic exercise.
- Plagiarism is the act of presenting another person’s ideas, discussion posts, essays, research or writings as your own.
- Obtaining Unfair Advantage is any activity that intentionally or unintentionally gives a student an unfair advantage in his/her academic work over another student.
- Falsification of Records and Official Documents.
You have logged into the Institute for Credible Leadership Develop (ICLD) a part of the Emerging Leaders Program in partnership with your agency and the National Command & Staff College. You have been given access to four phases of enhanced leadership curriculum, each designed to build on the other.
These instructions will help you navigate through the system, complete assignments and attain your certificates for completing each phase. All modules must be completed in the order in which they appear and skipping lessons will not be allowed, as the system will redirect you to complete them.
- Once you have logged into the ICLD using your username and password (initially your email address) you will come to a landing page that has three 3 tabs below the title banner. Those tabs are “Welcome” and “My Courses”. Click on “Welcome” to review a written address from your agency-head regarding the ICLD and its’ purpose.
- Click on the “My Courses” tab and you will come to a page with your name at the top and underneath your name you will find four columns titled Courses, Completed, Certificates, and Points. The “Courses” column will have the number four in it representing the number of phases of training available in the ICLD. The Completed, Certificates and Points columns will have the number zero (0) in them and will not be populate with any other numbers until you complete a phase of training and earn a certificate.
- Below the Courses, Completed, Certificates and Points columns you will find the titles for ICLD 1-4, Foundations & Principles, Theories & Practices, Application & Advancement and Competency & Mastery. If you click on these course titles it will take you to the Course Home Page for that phase of training. Remaining on the My Courses page you can check your progress by clicking on the down arrow to the left of the of the Course title which will give you an expanded listing of all modules that you have completed for that phase of training. Completed modules will be indicated by a check mark. There will also be a counter that will give your percentage of course completion. You may close the expanded listing of modules by clicking on the up arrow beside the course title.
- There are four (4) other tabs located on the account page, “Instructions”, “My Transcripts”, “My Certificates” and “My Notes”. The titles of each of these tabs are self-explanatory and will give you a report of your transcripts, certificates and any notes that you may have taken during the courses.
- From the “My Courses” tab if you click on the course title it will take you to the Course Introduction page where you will find a video introduction and tabs to view the Course Overview, Course Objectives, Course Resources and Course Instructors. On the right side of the Course Introduction page you will find a listing of each module included in the course.
- Click on the module title and you will go to the home page for that module. The title will be at the top of the page and there may be a video related to the module to view. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see Lesson Content and below that you will see Lecture, Discussion Board and Quiz. This is the content for the module that you have selected. Click on Lecture to launch the module. This will take you to a launch page for the module. Click Launch Training, you will go to a page that will say Pop up Blocked. Click the Launch Coursebutton and the module will begin.
- Each module has several segments that include video, voice overs, interactive exercises and readings. In order to move through the modules, you will have to click the “Next” button at the end of each segment. Once you have completed a module you be asked to verify that you have completed all segments of the module and then submit that verification. You will then go to a Thank You slide that will instruct you to click Exit to close out the module.
- When you return to the module’s home page click the green Mark Complete button located either at the top or the bottom of the page.
- This will take you to the Discussion Question page that will require you to click on Open the Discussion Now, review the discussion question and post your response to the Discussion Board. Be sure to follow the instructions for completing the Discussion Question and be sure to mark it complete in order to receive credit.
- After completing the modules discussion board and posting your response you will return to the Discussion Board Click the green button to mark it complete and click on Quiz for the corresponding module and take a ten (10) question quiz to check your knowledge. You must score 70% to successfully move to the next module. You will automatically move to the next module upon successful completion of the quiz.
- If you have to re-take a quiz, it is recommended that you review the module material before doing so.
- Once you have completed all of the modules that make up a course, you will be prompted to receive your course certificate. Click “Yes” to receive your certificate and it will be stored on your account page under “Certificates”.
Other things to remember:
- The system tracks your progress as you move through the program. You may check your progress through “My Courses” and “My Transcripts”.
- You may exit the system at any time and when you log in again you will restart the course where you left off.
- Make sure you click Mark Complete upon completion of the Lectures and Discussion Questions.
- You will also take a number of assessments. Please follow the directions for completing all assessments.
- Remember to view the videos located on Course & Module Home Pages.
- The more that you navigate through the system the more familiar you will become with it. You will find that there is more than one way to review your progress and activate modules.
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