Course Overview Course Objectives Course Resources Download Textbook Course Overview The content of ICLD IV was researched and field tested for over a period of more than 30 years in university and justice and public safety environments including police, corrections, customs, immigration, homeland security, and private security. It is based…
Course Overview Course Objectives Course Resources Course Instructors Course Overview ICLD III focuses on understanding the human factors of police leadership and how if used effectively, it can change the internal culture and external perception of an organization. It is steeped in emotional intelligence and self-realism, containing modules featuring: Advanced…
Course Overview Course Objectives Course Resources Course Instructors Course Overview Instructors in ICLD II illustrate several meritorious examples of organizational leadership success and introduce participants to methods and rationale behind these highly successful best practices. This course of instruction features segments from leadership giants John Maxwell, Tony Robbins, Howard Schultz,…
Course Overview Course Objectives Course Resources Course Instructors Course Overview The Institute for Credible Leadership Development (ICLD) is based on the principle that all law enforcement professionals must lead within their scope of responsibility and must be given the tools to understand what leadership looks like, feels like and sounds…